ctrl + h
Toggle the help menu
ctrl + o
Show or hide the rooms
ctrl + p
Show or hide the message preview
ctrl + ⬆
Previous message or code
ctrl + ⬇
Next message or code
ctrl + s
Save and run the code
ctrl + e
Click the first error message
alt + c / l / r / m / s
Set focus to specific elements
(Hold down alt to see the labels)
[<sample text>]
sample text
[>sample text<]
sample text
[{sample text}]
sample text
[!sample text!]
sample text
[*sample text*]
sample text
[/sample text/]
sample text
[_sample text_]
sample text
[-sample text-]
sample text
[#f00sample text#]
sample text
[°360sample text°]
sample text
[%050sample text%]
sample text
[~sample text~]
sample text
[(sample text)]
sample text
[↓sample text↓]
sample text
sendOnly(message1, users, message2)
Sends message1 to users
and sends message2 to everyone else
sendAll(message1, users, message2)
Sends message1 to everyone but users
and sends message2 to users
sendAll(true, word)
Adds word to everyone's sidebar
sendAll(false, word)
Removes word from everyone's sidebar
sendAll(false, '*')
Removes everything from everyone's sidebar
kick(name, msg)
Kicks name
ban(hash, minutes, msg)
Bans hash for minutes
Locks the room for minutes
save(key, value)